Saturday, May 5, 2007

Hilda Hilst: Ten Calls to a Friend

If I seem to you nocturnal and imperfect
Look at me again. Because tonight
I looked at myself as if you were looking at me.
And it was as if water

To leave your house that is the river,
Just slipping by, not even touching the riverbank.

I looked at you. And it has been so long
That I understand that I am earth. It has been so long
That I wait
For your brotherly body of water
To stretch over mine. Pastor and naut

Look at me again. From a lesser height.
And more attentively.

Dez chamamentos ao amigo

Se te pareço noturna e imperfeita
Olha-me de novo. Porque esta noite
Olhei-me a mim, como se tu me olhasses.
E era como se a água

Escapar de sua casa que é o rio
E deslizando apenas, nem tocar a margem.

Te olhei. E há tanto tempo
Entendo que sou terra. Há tanto tempo
Que o teu corpo de água mais fraterno
Se estenda sobre o meu. Pastor e nauta

Olha-me de novo. Com menos altivez.
E mais atento.

[Poesia: 1959-1979 - São Paulo: Quíron; (Brasília): INL, 1980.]


un dress said...

tantas vezes belo ...

Menina512 said...

I really like this, and am not criticising but think perhaps one could replace 'with less haughtiness' with 'from a lesser height '. Am sure plenty will disagree, but my thinking was that 'haughtiness' sounds harsher and less poetic to my ears, especially following the fluidity of the previous stanzas...

Lavínia Saad said...

I agree: "from a lesser height" works better. Will edit accordingly.
